Sacramento is going 3G!
I see some of you scratching your heads out there. You're saying to yourself "But Amir, I thought AT&T had been giving us 3G for quite some time now. What gives?" Well, you're right, the Death Star telecom company has been providing Sacramentoans (Sacramentians? Saramentoians?) with 3G. The big news now is that T-Mobile is joining (albeit late) the 3G party.

Sacramento is one of the last stops on their nationwide rollout of new 3G networks. This launch comes just in the nick of time as we are waiting with baited breath for the launch of the T-Mobile HTC G1 (aka...the Google Phone). With 3G, T-Mobile opens the possibilities for adding an exciting new range of phones, such as the Blackberry Bold 3G.
Time will tell how the T-Mobile network will stack up to the AT&T 3G network, which has had several years to mature and expand. I'll keep you all up to date as soon as I get my hands on my shiny new T-Mobile G1 next Wednesday (yes, I'll be there before the sun comes up to make sure I get mine).
Happy Surfing!