Monday, September 1, 2008

Being Muslim Pt 1

Quite often I am asked questions about what it means to be Muslim or I am asked general questions about the Islamic religion. Now, I am by no means an expert but I do think that there are some basic insights and facts I can provide about this oft misunderstood religion.

So we'll start with the basics...

The Meaning of the word Islam:

"Islam" means "peace through the submission to God"

That's right folks, the very word Islam translates into peace. Now you may be wondering how this ties in with all those mean terrorists running around with towels on their heads and dynamite up their asses waiting to blow us all up. Well, it doesn't tie in. And that's because those people are not true Muslims and are not following the scriptures of the religion. Islam above all else preaches peace and it is only through the actions of certain misguided and delusional groups that all Muslims are given a bad name (and as we'll see through later posts, there are a lot these groups do to make us all look bad).

Hope you enjoyed your first Muslim lesson and keep checking back for more info in the future. And if there is anything in particular you would like to know about, post a comment or drop me a line.

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