Monday, September 29, 2008

Emergency Room Aisle 15, Giant Vat of Mayonnaise Aisle 16

Senator McCain suggests that Emergency room care should be provided by Wal Mart where people can be seen by a doctor, and have a prescription filled at the same location.

The day Mr. McCain trusts his family to a Wal Mart doctor is the same day I'll vote for him.

Sarah Palin aka Sarah Heath

They say Obama doesn't have enough experience. They say Obama might be Muslim. They say he's not prepared enough to handle foreign policy and will be too soft to lead in today's world.

Now the Republicans are showing us what they think makes the best candidate for future president of the United States of America...

Check out this clip of some of her early work which I assume is what the Republicans saw that made them think..."Oh yeah...The next President of the United States!"

Wow...Mr. Obama sure has his work cut out for him.  His vice presidential running mate is only a 36 year veteren of the senate, chairman of the Foreign Relations Commitee, and a man who, when first voted into the senate in 1972, was the fifth youngest senator in US history.

Sure Mr. Biden, but did you cover the UAA Hockey League where the Seawolves took on the Nanooks?  No, no you didn't.  Shame on you, Mr. Biden.

SD Court Asked Whether Profanity is Disorderly

A 23 year old idiot in South Dakota was arrested for yelling profanities at a police officer as he and dozens of others left a bar. The case was taken up to that states supreme court to see if he was protected under the freedom of speech rights given to all of us.

Does anyone wonder why cops flip out and beat the crap out of people? Its because they spend all day having profanities yelled at them by drunken douchebags who then try to hide behind the first amendment. I wasn’t there personally, but I’m going to go ahead and assume that the founding fathers weren’t hoping to dismiss any possible repercussions for intoxicated white trash and their rants against law enforcement when they wrote the Bill of Rights.

Let’s get real…you’re an adult. If you want to take a stand and express your misguided beliefs when you think you are in the safety of a crowd, go right ahead. Just realize that when the time comes, you have to pay the price and unfortunately, you can’t go and hide behind the ‘ol stars and stripes.

Google Opposes Anti-Gay Marriage Ban

In a recent blog entry, Google co-founder Sergey Brin announced that the internet giant will be taking a stand against a proposed anti-gay marriage ban which will be appearing on the California ballot, Proposition 8. Mr. Brin didn’t elaborate on any actions they would be taking aside from making a public stand.

This comes on the tails of Levi Straus and PG&E announcing that they are co-founding the No On Prop 8 Equality Business Council. And in July, PG&E donated $250,000 to the campaign.

In a day when more and more of the citizens of this country feel like their voices are not being heard, it is refreshing to see that there is some level of social responsibility among large multinational corporations. Perhaps the little man is no longer able to be heard without the backing of companies that have billions at their disposable.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Being Muslim Pt. 2

Time for part two of my ongoing series dealing with facts about Muslims and Islam. Today, we'll be looking at a key principle of the Islamic faith...the Five Pilars of Islam. Let's start with the basics...what are the five pillars?

1) The Declaration of Faith: “I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is his messenger.”

2) Prayer is prescribed five times a day as a duty towards God. Prayer strengthens and enlivens belief in God and inspires one to a higher morality.

3) Fasting is called for during the month of Ramadan. This involves abstention from food, beverages, and sexual activity from sunrise to sunset and it means curbing evil intentions and desires. Allowances are made for health, age and circumstances. After sunset, there are family and community meals and celebration.

4) Zakat is a proportionately fixed contribution from the surplus earnings and wealth of the Muslims. It is spent on the poor and needy and for the welfare of society as a whole.

5) The Hajj is the pilgrimage to the Ka’bah in Makkah (Mecca), at least once in a lifetime, provided one has the means to undertake the journey.

Wait a minute...did I miss something? Where's the pillar that talks about how if you blow yourself up you go to heaven? Where are the 72 or 10,000 virgins?

Getting into heaven, for a Muslim, is about following the Five Pillars of Islam. These Pillars were developed to guide a person through their life and to ensure that we all do the right things. For example, Pillar 4, the Zakat, refers to people giving contributions to charity for the benefit of those who have less then we do. Basically, it's a welfare system built into the religion and the culture, as a way of taking care of people who need help. Sheesh...these Muslims are a bunch of savages, huh?

So where do these ideas of blowing up buses full of children to get into heaven come from? In my own humble opinion, what we have is a situation where certain corrupt individuals in the world prey on the faith and devotion of a people steeped in ancient beliefs and tradition. How do you manipulate these people? Not by posting completely fabricated propoganda on the evening news, as our "leaders" do, but by telling them that this is what their God, their Allah wants...and that is simply not true.

Terrorists are terrorists because they have been lied to, mislead and manipulated...not because they are Muslim. Every culture on this globe manipulates its peoples...all of them. Dictators and rulers of many middle eastern nations prey on the faith and trust their people put in them and are manipulated in believing that by carrying out the wishes of these sadistic leaders, their place in heaven will be secured. Sadly, that pales in comparison to the type of manipulation that goes on right here. Every time turn on the Fox News Network or look at Mr. Bush dribble on standing behind a podium, we too are being lied to and manipulated. For the Muslims, the lies are based their religion. For us, our lies are based on what we believe in most...fear.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Increased Chance of Cancer

The Good News Daily reports the following:
"YOUNG women exposed to tragic events may be at a higher risk of breast cancer and being optimistic can help protect against the disease, a study has found."
The moral of the story: Look at Amir naked...get cancer.

Why You Shouldn't Drink

I'm not quite sure the motivation for this video, but I can only imagine that it is an advertisement for reasons NOT to drink. If you like their moves, drop them a line at their blog...

Life Season One

One of the best and most underrated shows of last season makes its long awaited debut on DVD.

Life Season 1 was released on September 2, 2008. Do yourself a favor and make a point to check it out. Rent it, but it, do whatever it takes but just watch it. You'll be glad you did.

The new season starts soon so this is a great chance to get caught up.

Post your comments and let me know what you think about the show. Any theories on who's behind the conspiracy? Let's hear it...

Women Get Happy Endings

Women Get Happy Endings

There is a disturbing new trend on the horizon which has the potential to significantly impact a delicate balance which has served men and women for centuries.

A recent article published on the Times Online site reported that there is an increase in women being treated to a “happy ending” when receiving a massage. While this has been an area predominantly geared towards men, this change in the target demographic begs the question “Why has it taken so long and why haven’t women been catered to before?”


Here is what men do to get laid…It’s quite simple really. A man shows up at his local bar or nightclub, dressed to kill, hair in just the right place, smelling of the latest hip fragrances, a couple of witty lines ready to be thrown out, his well practiced dance moves fresh in his mind and if he executes all of this perfectly, then maybe, just MAYBE, he’ll find someone drunk enough to let him feel them up.

For those men who didn’t feel like subjecting themselves to this modern mating dance, there have always been those “other” alternatives. Places men could go where, for a reasonable price, their certain needs could be met and afterwards, everyone could go on their merry way. No coming up with excuses in the middle of the night as to why you are creeping away in your boxers. No shock waking up to someone who you could have sworn the night before was about 150 pounds lighter and blonde and didn’t have that mustache.

For women, the options were somewhat more limited. On the plus side, any reasonably non-unattractive woman simply had to decide who her fun for the night would be. Minimal effort was involved, although it sometimes could mean having someone that may have been just slightly below par.

So that’s how the balance has gone for centuries. Men get all dressed up, chests puffed out, waiting to be chosen. Women, like the captains of a dodgeball team in 5th grade P.E. stand before the lineup and choose the one they think has the least chance of really making a mess of things.

Now, this delicate balance stands to be ruined by this new revelation that women, like men, can now pay a reasonable fee to have their certain needs met by some young, muscular, oiled and tanned “masseuse.” While men prowl the bars and nightclubs, hoping to find that one girl just desperate enough to throw inhibitions to the wind and let him do his awkward horizontal Macarena between her thighs, now they have another option. Now they just go visit Raul, the man with the happy hands, and get their kicks.

Women…Please don’t do this! Don’t disrupt the delicate balance. Men are depending on you to get so drunk, horny and desperate that you’ll do something you’re guaranteed to regret the next day. You take the horny and desperate out of the equation and what do you leave us with…just drunk. And drunk, you’re about as entertaining as a proctologist that doesn’t lube up.

Let’s get real…sure, you could go out there and find someone who actually knows what they’re doing and can help you reach your own personal nirvana numerous times in one session by simply providing him financial compensation. But where’s the fun in that?! Leave the massage parlors and questionable strip clubs to the men that need it. You women don’t need it. There will always be a line of people at your door ready to make your night one that you will try to forget for years to come.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Malaysian man gets nut stuck in delicate place

Malaysian Man Gets Nut Stuck in Delicate Place

Yes, I have lived in Malaysia in the past. No, this was not me.

Being Muslim Pt 1

Quite often I am asked questions about what it means to be Muslim or I am asked general questions about the Islamic religion. Now, I am by no means an expert but I do think that there are some basic insights and facts I can provide about this oft misunderstood religion.

So we'll start with the basics...

The Meaning of the word Islam:

"Islam" means "peace through the submission to God"

That's right folks, the very word Islam translates into peace. Now you may be wondering how this ties in with all those mean terrorists running around with towels on their heads and dynamite up their asses waiting to blow us all up. Well, it doesn't tie in. And that's because those people are not true Muslims and are not following the scriptures of the religion. Islam above all else preaches peace and it is only through the actions of certain misguided and delusional groups that all Muslims are given a bad name (and as we'll see through later posts, there are a lot these groups do to make us all look bad).

Hope you enjoyed your first Muslim lesson and keep checking back for more info in the future. And if there is anything in particular you would like to know about, post a comment or drop me a line.